This is a spoiler-filled discussion about the ending to The Lincoln Highway. If you haven’t read the novel yet, wait to visit this post until after you finished it.
Welcome to the discussion about The Lincoln Highway! If you’re new to Book Club Chat, I write spoiler-free reviews and spoiler-filled book club questions for each novel I read. But lately, I’ve noticed some books deserve a third article—one dedicated to shocking endings. So please feel free to comment with your thoughts at the end of the article.
The Lincoln Highway is a coming-of-age tale about the transition from teenager to adulthood. Each of the main characters are at a crossroads of sorts and in a way, the Lincoln Highway serves as a getaway from their current, somewhat bleak situation.
Particularly, Emmett and Billy. This is their chance to leave behind Nebraska and its bad memories and try out California. While Billy hopes they can find their mother in San Fransisco (even though she abandoned the family), Emmett believes they can get a fresh start with fixing and then selling houses (the original house flippers).
But Duchess made a mess of everything. Once he steals Emmett’s car and heads up to New York, it completely delays Emmett’s and Billy’s plans.
From there, we follow Emmett and Billy’s journey to regain the car and they meet an interesting cast of characters along the way.
The Ending
Remember, this is spoilers, spoilers, spoilers from here on out! So don’t read this unless you’ve finished the book. Seriously!
Up until about the last 60 pages or so, the story is fairly straightforward coming-of-age tale with vivid imagery of the time period and lots of pondering about the past and what’s next. So the shift in tone during the climax to the ending was pretty shocking.
Emmett finds Woolly dead in his bed from a suicide. He’s distraught but when he sees Duchess, all Duchess cares about his trying to get Woolly’s inheritance that is locked away. This horrifies Emmett and he’s determined for Duchess to finally go to the police to own up to his crimes and that’s when the two get into a fight. Eventually, Emmett knocks out Duchess.
It turns out Woolly did leave each of the friends his money. So the brothers take their share of the money and plan to finally go to California.
But Emmett is concerned that Duchess will try and find them. So he decides to put an unconscious Duchess on a boat with his own share of the money. The boat contains a hole and Emmett stacks stones in order to stop the boat from flooding. However, once Duchess is awake and the money begins to blow away, Duchess shifts the boat to try and get it—causing it to sink and since Duchess can’t swim, he drowns.
We apparently see a flash before Duchess dies that shows the brothers in California, Woolly alive, Sally with a child and Sister Sarah. Clearly this doesn’t represent the future since Woolly is alive but maybe that flash was simply Duchess’ wishes. I’m not sure—what do you think about that scene?
Key Events
While the ending is shocking, there are hints of something more sinister going on earlier in the novel—Duchess’ random act of violence against the taunting cowboy in Morgen and also to Ackerly, the former warren of the juvenile camp. Duchess tries to justify both but it’s undeniable that those were unprovoked actions and the fact he doesn’t see that is pretty disturbing in itself.
And with Emmett, while he did not kill the bully on purpose back in Morgen, it does sound like he has anger issues and only Billy can get him to calm down. Although, who wouldn’t be absolutely furious with Duchess and his behavior, right?
But let’s talk over several key events. First, was this Woolly’s plan all along—to commit suicide and leave his friends his inheritance? I think so. This is why his interactions with his sister seemed to have a farewell component to it. Very sad and tragic.
I have seen people wonder if Duchess had a hand in Woolly’s death—such as ensuring Woolly would get his sister’s medicine bottle (which I don’t think we ever got the name of). So, maybe he didn’t actually kill Woolly but he also didn’t help to prevent the overdose. I think it’s left vague on purpose.
The second event I want to discuss is the fact that Duchess makes it seem like this trip is an effort to get revenge at his father for framing him and sending him to the work camp. But he never does come into contact with his father—although it seems like he does try. I was disappointed they never had an interaction and that really didn’t go anywhere.
Reading the story from Duchess’ first-person perspective caused the reader to try to sympathize with him but soon it became apparent that not only was he a liar but he’s also a dangerous person. While Duchess probably thought of himself as a hero, he was the villain, in the end. I don’t feel he was misunderstood—I believe his actions were loud and clear.
Emmett’s Motivations
And so let’s talk about the big twist—Emmett leaving Duchess in the boat. I’ve reread it a couple times and I don’t believe Emmett purposely killed Duchess. I know some feel that way but I just don’t think that was the author’s intention. I feel Emmett was truly concerned that Duchess would find him and Billy and continue to cause havoc so he had to delay Duchess.
But at the same time, I feel that Emmett didn’t care what happened to Duchess. He knows that Duchess can’t swim and he did just enough to provide some safety but it was up to Duchess to ensure that he could get back to shore. Potentially, Emmett laid the groundwork for Duchess to have to choose between the money or survival. This line Emmett thinks before driving away is significant:
“Having come fifteen hundred miles in the wrong direction, on the verge of traveling three thousand more, Emmett believed that the power within him was new in nature, that no one but he could know what he was capable of, and he only has just begun to know it himself.”
How I take this is after Emmett murdered that bully, he really worked to contain his anger but Duchess’ behavior left him no choice. If Emmett didn’t stop Duchess, Emmett believes that Duchess would again get in the way of their plans. So Emmett will not get pushed around any longer and is willing to do whatever it takes to get him and Billy to safety. So again, while I don’t think Emmett set out to murder Duchess, I also believe he didn’t care what happened to him—he just didn’t want to deal with his toxic behavior any longer.
Tell Me Your Thoughts
This is how I interpreted The Lincoln Highway ending. Agree, disagree and/or have other ideas completely? Be sure to tell me your thoughts below!
Jen Stortler
Sunday 26th of January 2025
I loved this book up until the ending, and then I was furious! I agree with your review and reading it made me feel a bit better. But I wish the author had completed Ulysses story. I want to know if he ever found his wife and child! Also – the author never explained how Duchess left the orphanage and reunited with his father by the age of 11, did he? And it was disappointing that Duchess never had closure with his father either. Such an odd ending that left me so frustrated. I am not sure I could read another of this author’s books, even though the writing style was pretty amazing!
Tuesday 26th of November 2024
Sending someone out in a boat without a paddle knowing they cannot swim is problematic ethically whatever the reasons. Emmitt also realizes that even though Wooly left them the money in a note he realizes that the courts may not recognize their claim. He believes the money is rightfully theirs so he takes it. It is amazing how we can justify our actions making wrong action right. I would have felt better about the consistently upright Emmitt if he stuck to his plan of taking Duchess to the police and let the inheritance issues resolve themselves. I do think there is an interesting question about ethical behavior at the end of the novel.
Diane Duclos
Tuesday 29th of October 2024
I think it was Billy's idea to put him in the boat
Wednesday 11th of September 2024
What about the gold pocket watch in Dutches's pocket as images flashed before he drowned? I took that to indicate that he really did steal the watch and was not framed as Emmet was told. Another hidden truth revealed about the lying Dutchess. Dutchess was one to put distance from as advised by Townhouse. By putting the cash in the boat with Dutchess the trail would end with Dutchess. No one would know that he did not take all of the cash. The wind could have blown “the rest” of it away. I don’t believe that Emmett meant to kill Dutchess but this turn of events is what will free Emmett and let him travel his intended journey on The Lincoln Highway…with a bonus of cash in hand. Perhaps his reward for the difficulties endured.
Wednesday 29th of May 2024
I liked the book, but found some of the escapades not realistic. I can not really believe that a young girl (Sally) would leave her home in Nebraska and drive across the country because Emmett had not called her and actually find them. And the scene in the whore House ??? Dutchess was as you rightly point out a bad guy and I did not like him or trust him. But that said, the writing is just wonderful. He s a very good author.