Hi there and welcome to Book Club Chat, a book destination of reviews, recommendations, and book club questions. You’ll never be at a loss of what to read next.
Who am I?
My name is Heather Caliendo and I love to read and review various genres with a focus on contemporary fiction, historical fiction, women’s fiction, mysteries/thrillers and also select nonfiction and memoirs. My background is in journalism and have been working in the field for the last 15+ years.
With Book Club Chat, I have combined my love for reading fiction and experience as a journalist to conduct reviews, author Q&A’s, and book club questions.
Since starting in 2018, Book Club Chat has grown to over 5,000 visitors a day(!) and it’s been so awesome to connect with readers and authors from all over the globe.
I was born with a passion for books.
From spending my childhood reading countless stories to adulthood where I read at least one book a week. Besides being an avid reader and writer, I’m all about coffee, adventures with my family and Disneyland. I live in beautiful San Diego with my husband and son.
If you are a publisher or author and would like to contract out book club questions for your specific title, please go here.
If you have any questions or would like me to review and provide book club questions for a specific novel, please contact me at [email protected].