Top Book Club Books of 2021 (so far)
Cindy Burnett of Thoughts from a Page podcast and I are so excited to share some of our favorite book club books of 2021 with you!
Cindy Burnett of Thoughts from a Page podcast and I are so excited to share some of our favorite book club books of 2021 with you!
Book club questions for The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth examines this psychological thriller about two sisters. There will be spoilers so for more context about the book, check out my spoiler-free review first.
The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth is a tense and compelling thriller.
It’s time to check out the six book club picks for May 2021!
Book club questions for Northern Spy by Flynn Berry takes a deep dive into this complicated novel about two sisters who get involved with the IRA. There will be spoilers so for more context about the story, check out my spoiler-free review first.
Northern Spy by Flynn Berry is a fast-paced story about two sisters and the IRA.
Summer reading is here! Here are 10 books your book club should consider to read this summer.
Book club questions for People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry examines this romance between two best friends. There will be spoilers so for more context about the book, check out my spoiler-free review first.
Editorial note: I received a copy of People We Meet on Vacation in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own. People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry is an entertaining and sweet romance about two best friends.
It’s the first Tuesday of the month and Reese’s pick is in!
Book club questions for The Hunting Wives by May Cobb examines the twists and turns in this fast-paced novel about bad behavior and choices. There will be spoilers so for more context about the book, check out my spoiler-free review first.
Editorial note: I received a copy of The Hunting Wives in exchange for a review. The Hunting Wives by May Cobb is an absolute wild ride.
Despite many delayed launches, 2020 was a great year for books — and 2021 is shaping up nicely as well. I’ve tried to control the exponential growth of my TBR list, but nothing gets my fingers itching quite like new suspense novels.
Book club questions for The Rose Code by Kate Quinn takes a closer look at this historical fiction novel about female codebreakers. There will spoilers so for more context about the book, check out my spoiler-free review first.