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Book Club Questions for All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker

Book Club Questions for All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker

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Book club questions for All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker examines all the key developments in this blockbuster novel. There will be spoilers so for more context about the story, check out my spoiler-free review first.

While I didn’t love this novel, there are quite interesting aspects. From Patch’s heroic act to his unwavering belief that Grace was real to Saint’s dedicated to Patch. But in trying to fit so much, the story felt long and drawn out.

In my opinion, this was an uneven read and could have used another edit. But I did quite like the beginning and even the ending.

Let me know your thoughts about the book below!

The Synopsis

1975 is a time of change in America. The Vietnam War is ending. Muhammad Ali is fighting Joe Frazier. And in the smalltown of Monta Clare, Missouri, girls are disappearing.

When the daughter of a wealthy family is targeted, the most unlikely hero emerges—Patch, a local boy, who saves the girl, and, in doing so, leaves heartache in his wake.

Patch and those who love him soon discover that the line between triumph and tragedy has never been finer. And that their search for answers will lead them to truths that could mean losing one another.

A missing person mystery, a serial killer thriller, a love story, a unique twist on each, Chris Whitaker has written a novel about what lurks in the shadows of obsession and the blinding light of hope.

Book Club Questions for All the Colors of the Dark

  1. Let’s first talk about the significance of the title in relation to the story as a whole. What is your interpretation of it?
  2. Why did Patch immediately jump in to rescue Misty, a girl who had never acknowledge him? What does it say about his character?
  3. Saint, Patch’s best friend, is in love with him and determined to bring him back after he’s taken. This dedication to Patch will span decades and multiple incidents. Do you feel this friendship was even, or was it somewhat one-sided?
  4. We learn that Patch is taken by a serial killer and held in darkness for months. But a girl named Grace was there to help provide comfort and serve as a light in the darkness. Did you believe that Grace was real the entire time?
  5. How did Patch change from the beginning of the novel to the end? Did you think he had a solid character arc? Why or why not?
  6. Thanks to Stella’s nonstop dedication, Patch is eventually rescued. But he’s concerned about Grace and becomes obsessed with finding out where she is. Why do you think Patch never gave up looking for her?
  7. Upon his return, Misty pursues Patch and they date for a bit until her father pays him off. Do you feel Misty was in love with Patch or was it infatuation for him? What lessons did she learn from Patch?
  8. Why did Patch turn to painting as he searched for Grace?
  9. The reader is lead to believe that the local doctor Tooms was involved with the girls’ disappearance. Did you think he was or did you suspect he was innocent?
  10. A key plot point involves Tooms was performing safe abortions for local girls in need and his secret relationship with Nix. What were your thoughts about the reveals? Why didn’t Tooms tell the authorities the truth about his actions to begin with?
  11. Saint goes into law enforcement and even becomes a key investigator in finding Patch after it’s revealed he’s been robbing banks. Why did she pursue a career in law enforcement?
  12. Saint’s grandmother somewhat forces her to marry Jimmy as she hopes it will get Saint away from Patch and to provide stability. But Saint never truly loved him. Why didn’t she ever reveal the truth about Jimmy and the violent injuries he caused? Why didn’t she tell her about keeping the baby?
  13. A big theme of the novel is the price of loyalty. For instance, Tooms doesn’t tell the truth about the abortions; Saint doesn’t want to upset her grandma with the truth about Jimmy; and then there’s Patch’s blind loyalty to Grace. Let’s discuss the theme of loyalty in relation to this novel.
  14. Eventually it’s revealed that Patch is a father. And he’s the sole guardian after Misty passes away from cancer. But despite being a father, he can’t escape his quest to find Grace. Why didn’t he make more an effort to be there for his daughter?
  15. We do learn that Grace is in fact real, and that she’s the daughter of Eli Aaron, the serial killer. What were your thoughts as you read her reunite with Patch? How did this help give Patch closure? Will they stay in touch?
  16. What did you think of the reunion with Patch, Elizabeth and Saint on the boat? What happens next for those three characters?
  17. Do you feel Patch is the hero of the story? Why or why not?

Additional Recommendations

Hope you enjoyed book club questions for All the Colors of the Dark! Here are some more recommendations along with links to book club questions.

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Early morning, August 1975: a camp counselor discovers an empty bunk. Its occupant, Barbara Van Laar, has gone missing. Barbara isn’t just any thirteen-year-old: she’s the daughter of the family that owns the summer camp and employs most of the region’s residents. And this isn’t the first time a Van Laar child has disappeared. Barbara’s older brother similarly vanished fourteen years ago, never to be found.

As a panicked search begins, a thrilling drama unfolds. Chasing down the layered secrets of the Van Laar family and the blue-collar community working in its shadow, Moore’s multi-threaded story invites readers into a rich and gripping dynasty of secrets and second chances. It is Liz Moore’s most ambitious and wide-reaching novel yet.

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The authorities rule the death accidental, but Nora and her estranged brother Sam have other ideas. As Nora and Sam form an uneasy alliance to unravel the mystery, they start putting together the pieces of their father’s past—and uncover a family secret that changes everything.

With Laura Dave’s trademark combination of soulful suspense and evocative family drama, The Night We Lost Him is a riveting page-turner with a heartbreaking final twist that you will never see coming.

Happy reading!