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Q&A with Kimberly Belle, Author of The Paris Widow

Q&A with Kimberly Belle, Author of The Paris Widow

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Kimberly Belle is the author of The Paris Widow, which is out now.

Kimberly is the USA Today and internationally bestselling author of suspense novels including The Paris Widow, The Marriage Lie, a Goodreads Choice Awards semifinalist for Best Mystery & Thriller, and the co-authored #1 Audible Original, Young Rich Widows. Her books have been published in dozens of languages and optioned for film and television.

A dream vacation turns deadly when secrets from the past catch up to a married couple in Paris in The Paris Widow.

Let’s get to know Kimberly as she talks favorite novels, writing thrillers, a preview of The Paris Widow and more!

What are some of your favorite novels?

Please don’t make me choose, there are so many! In my genre, I loved Black Eyed Susans by Julia Heaberlin and No Exit by Taylor Adams. The Expats by Chris Pavone was especially fun. Oh! And Pretty Things by Janelle Brown was absolutely brilliant, as was Laura McHugh’s What’s Done in Darkness. I could go on and on…

When did you know you wanted to become an author?

I’m not one of those writers who penned her first novel in crayon. Writing was something I’ve always loved, but it’s my second career. My first was nonprofit fundraising, which I did happily for more than a decade until 2008, when the economy crashed and so did my job. Literally all my clients disappeared overnight. I knew I could find another job, but I decided to see my sudden unemployment as a now-or-never moment, a nudge from the universe to write the book I’d always dreamed of writing. Now I can’t imagine doing anything else.

What are some key elements required for a well-crafted thriller?

Every thriller needs a compelling premise, a storyline that entices the reader to pick up the book. It needs to be populated with a cast of interesting, multi-dimensional relatable characters and that includes the villain; the best villains in my opinion are the ones that readers can identify with on some level. There should be some well-placed twists and reveals to keep readers on their toes, and the tension should steadily build to a spectacular and satisfying ending. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? 

Where do you draw your writing inspirations from?

Story ideas are everywhere. On the news, in some random article you stumble across on social media, in the conversations happening all around as you move through the day. Dear Wife came to me in a dream. The Personal Assistant grew out of the millions of stories I heard about people getting bullied or doxxed on the internet. The Paris Widow was born out of travels to Paris and beyond. My point is, we all have an endless supply of inspiration. We only have to be open to it.

What can readers expect from The Paris Widow?

The Paris Widow is a fast-paced thriller about a married couple with lots of secrets, set in some of the most beloved spots in Europe. This is one of those stories where the setting is just as important as the characters. Paris gets the starring role, but readers will also get swept away to Amsterdam, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, and Malta–no passport necessary. Armchair travel at its best!

What are you currently reading and what’s on your TBR (to be read) list?

I’m currently reading Emily Carpenter’s upcoming Gothictown, about a family who moves to Juliana, Georgia to start over after the pandemic and gets way (way!!) more than they bargained for. It’s creepy in the best possible way! On my nightstand are a bunch of upcoming Killer Author Club books: Ruth Ware and Wanda Morris and CJ Box and many more. We’ll be interviewing the authors later this summer; more info at